
I originally began, and titled, this blog when I traveled to India for 6 months in 2011. I ended up helping the royal Panwar family start an organic farm, cultural conservation center, and hotel in the foothills of the Himalayas, 6 hours drive north of Delhi. Hence the blog posts from four years ago depicting those wonderful travels. I often think fondly of the kind people I know there.....

Happily I am continuing this blog, and keeping the name. My intention is to engage with and bear witness to the shift in consciousness I believe is happening all around the world. It is a miracle to be able to join people everywhere who are healing ourselves, each other, and the Earth through discovering the unity and the freedom of being alive.

On this journey though our magical world, we become aware of how we create our inner and outer world as one. Let us be true to ourselves, that we might inspire each other! Witnessing so many ways of life, we recognize to the archetypal spiritual forces vying for the world, disguised in the veils of our personal story lines and ordinary lives. Every moment is a sacred offering, when we decide which ones we serve.

I will be posting draft chapters of my first novel, "Otherwise What?, as they become available. Most recent posts appear on top. Thank you for reading :)

Friday, January 16, 2015



When I reach for you
is it the you in my head?
You are not comfort.
You too are free, unheard of,
alone, all one
with everything.

When I am alone
I am with you more.
You too suffer the pressure,
of remembering
that you are,
yet you are not, your body.

The distance reminds me
you are changing,
fresh as this breath in my lungs,
exploring the unknown.
Who do you want as a witness?
Or are you beyond that now?

Is the urge to be together
still the longing to retreat?
Are we merely bisque pots,
shabbily holding each others smiles,
unfired by our own surrender,
unable to hold each others' tears?

Don’t look for me in memories.
You will not fine me there.
I am trembling along.
Can you remain connected
when you realize nothing is as it seems,
and yet it is what it is?

It gets stranger still;
the soul is uplifted when we worship God,
although we desire other people more.
Space is a farce.
All is present, and and artful,
waiting to be conceived.

You, who I want to be my best for, 
see me at my worst.
Can you tremble along with me?
If you want to watch,
you’re going to
need to show me.

Witness others,
as you would have others witness you.
Imagine me
grateful and awake,
loving the world,
receiving the self.

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